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Altar Rosary: The Altar & Rosary meet the first Wednesday of the month after the first Sunday. They meet after the 9:00 Mass. The President is Gladys Mickle who can be reached at 814-683-5313.

Food Pantry at St. Philip: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Donations are always welcome. The food pantry is headed by Maureen Vorisek who can be reached at 814-683-5313.

Knights of Columbus: The Knight of Columbus meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at Monsignor Tolland Park, Conneaut Lake. Membership is open to all confirmed Catholic men over 18 years old. For additional information please call Jams McNalley at 724-629-0444 or visit http://www.kofc.org

St. Philip's Helping Hands: Volunteer opportunities exist to help with Visitation/Respite Care, Home Services, Transportation, Bereavement and Prayer Line. If interested, please take a Volunteer Commitment Sheet, complete and return to church. You may also print the form: Helping Hands Volunteer Form